This ministry encompasses all that we hope to accomplish.

Jacob’s Ladder is an intervention program for at risk teens. Our goal is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the kids, show them unconditional love as Christ would do, and help them to reach their full potential by providing any assistance they need to participate in school activities, graduate high school, and move into a job, trade school, or college.


Students are recommended to us by their teachers and school staff for their needs and ability to do well under extreme circumstances. Our goal is to generate Godly young adults who will go on to excel in their spiritual life, as well as be productive in the workforce, and one day become Godly husbands and fathers/wives and mothers.

Jacob’s Ladder started
in August 2018!

We have Godly men and women step into the life of teens and model what it’s like to be a father/mother, husband/wife, leader, valuable employee, and a follower of Jesus Christ.

The building blocks:

  • PRAY! We faithfully pray for and with the kids!

  • Attend weekly Bible study together

  • Establish relationships by playing together, listening to them, and loving them.

  • Keep a check on their grades, help, encourage and reward them for hard work

  • Meet their physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs as we are able

  • Assist their families with critical needs as they arise

We have opportunities for volunteers to be mentors, PALS (attend monthly events in case a mentor is unavailable) prayer warriors, host events, and donors. Please join us and receive the joy of personally making a difference in the life of a child.